Saturday, December 4, 2010

Reflection: Modeling Earth Science

Exploring Earth through models and inquiry enabled me to integrate all content areas and dig deep into the core of the earth to summit of mountaintops and the rivers which flow from them. To pique the interest of my students I began showing magnificent photographs of geological forces which shape the world. This assisted in building background knowledge for students who have never seen a mountain, tectonic rifts, or hydrothermal formations, and allowed me to address expand upon modern scientists not only explore, but capture Earth’s natural processes after extended periods of photography. We discussed the insurmountable amount of research that takes place as the knowledge of our planet is still quite a mystery and is constantly changing.

My goals for these lessons were met. Great consideration was given to the diverse needs within my classroom. The differentiated activities helped students successfully demonstrate their understanding of concepts relating to changes to the Earth’s surface through nonfiction reading, writing summaries to determine the main idea and details, creating models, and critically thinking and dialoguing with peers. Allowing students to teach the concept of a river’s run and how it changes the surface of the Earth to kindergartners was remarkable. When students can confidently teach a concept to another, objectives have been successfully met and skills have been mastered.

Making connections and accessing prior knowledge through multiple intelligences activities were excellent means in which to acknowledge each student’s strengths prior to commencing this unit. Continuing by giving students choices to freely investigate interactive websites and simulations and conducting investigations via open inquiry enthusiastically engaged every learner. “By designing a unit grounded in choice, we allow students to become agents in their own learning and increase their motivation for learning in the science classroom (Dotger & Causton-Theoharis, 2010).

As I indicated on the lesson plan template, the only area I would change would be to allow for a great amount of time for this unit of study. Understanding Earth and the changes past and present, encourage greater scaffolding and comprehension to other scientific concepts. Reflecting upon the lessons completed, I believe starting with Earth’s inner layers then continuing through space would be a fascinating year-long theme connecting science, technology, math, engineering, and reading. The more connections we present to students the greater sense they make of their world.

The inclusion of the models ignited every student. Teaming students with various abilities created a deeper sense of self and an appreciation for the differences in others through interactive learning experiences. Creating models allowed students to creatively demonstrate their understanding of the content and maximize their learning.


Dotger, S., & Causton-Theoharis, J. (2010). Differentiation through Choice: Using a Think-Tac-Toe for Science Content. Science Scope, 33(6), 18-23. Retrieved from ERIC database

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Increasing Cultural Awareness and Fostering Humanitarian Efforts

The world is constantly changing. The best curriculum for children is real life; based on reality. Connecting students to their communities is something I deem important. Children inherently want to make a difference and there is no better means then through serving. Increasing cultural awareness and fostering humanitarian efforts through natural disasters brings the world closer and children quickly realize how small the world really is.

Walden’s commitment to creating change connected with me. It was The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership’s Mission Statement that caught my attention when making the decision to enter graduate school. Walden “…provides access to high-caliber programs that prepare the adult learners as scholar-practitioners and leaders who can inspire, influence, and impact their diverse communities by helping to meet the challenges and opportunities of education worldwide.”

Volunteering is a way of life for me and something I believe should be introduced to children at an early age. Connecting children to their community through positive, meaningful volunteer activities promotes learning through active participation and fosters a sense of caring and a deeper understanding of self.

Six years ago I implemented a service learning club in our school. Kids Care Club consists of 55 fourth and fifth grade students with a desire and compassion to make a difference in the world. This club has successfully completed a number of projects. Each year we make and deliver blankets for the Women and Children’s Coalition for the Homeless. In April we held a Playathon to raise money to purchase tents for earthquake ravaged Haiti. Our current project is Read and Feed, where the school is collecting food items and new books to donate to homeless and poverty-stricken children in our local community.

When I am not teaching in Florida I am teaching in Africa. The most recent trip was to Cape Town, South Africa working and teaching in Khayelitsha Township…home to 2.5 million people living in squatter’s camps. Teaching children in classrooms so incredibly different from our own awakens the mind in ways one can never imagine. While there the local community of Khayelitsha asked for my help in educating children about service projects. Can you imagine the poorest of poor children, rooted in squatter camps, being asked to share their voice, their minds, their gifts and talents to help their serve others and make a difference? Not only can I imagine it, I witnessed it. I quickly formed a relationship with two outstanding teachers who have huge hearts and the desire to make a difference in their township and helped them start South Africa’s first Kids Care Club.

Developing scientifically-literate and compassionate citizens through the study of natural disasters is not difficult, and one in which I believe effective teachers commit themselves to. We are all connected. Allowing children to see how one voice, one act, can make a difference regardless of one’s age.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ask A Scientist

As I ventured into the Education Development Center’s Genetic Counseling web lab this week one of the studies related to sickle-cell anemia. I was surprised to learn the allele for sickle cell anemia was considered recessive since it expresses itself. I decided this was a question I would pose to the scientist: Why is the allele for sickle cell anemia considered recessive if it expresses itself?

The response I received from the scientist was very informative. Before responding to my question he said how important it was to first understand how red blood cells carry oxygen to the entire body. Hemoglobin, a vital oxygen-carrying molecule consists of four protein subunits, two copies each of the alpha chain and the beta chain, which combine with iron to form the fully functional molecule. Hemoglobin binds oxygen in the lungs and then releases it in tissues and organs where it is needed.

When normal hemoglobin becomes deoxygenated, it remains soluble. When hemoglobin S molecules unload their oxygen cargo to a tissue, the deoxygenated hemoglobin S molecules bind to each other and crystallize within red blood cells by forming large sheet-like aggregates. This deforms the red blood cells, making them rigid and unable to bend as they travel through small blood vessels, so that they get stuck and trigger the characteristic—and painful—crises of sickle cell anemia.

It is due to these physical symptoms of the disease that sickle cell anemia is considered to be a recessive genetic condition. People who inherit only one sickle cell allele (and therefore have equal numbers of normal and mutant hemoglobin molecules in their red blood cells) normally don’t have the disease.

On the other hand, people who inherit two copies of the mutated gene (these people are called homozygotes) develop active sickle cell disease. Because two sickle cell alleles are required to engender the disease, sickle cell anemia is considered to be recessive and the sickle cell allele is called the recessive allele.

One item I found quite interesting is extreme conditions where environments have very low oxygen availability, such as very high altitudes, people with one sickle cell allele can develop symptoms of the disease. The sickle cell allele would be considered dominant under these circumstances.

I will begin implementing this website into my classroom this week. In my classroom there is a discussion board for math and science. While introducing content all through its completion, students generate excellent questions which are then placed on the discussion board. We usually research their questions on the Internet as a whole class. Due the experience afforded me today, I will have the students research their own questions via Ask a Scientist. Their questions and responses will then be posted to our class blog allowing all students and parents to glean knowledge.


Ask a Scientist. (2010). Ask a question. Retrieved from

Education Development Center. (2010). Genetics webs lab directory. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Evaluating Web 2.0 Presentation Tools

This week found me diving deep into presentation tools, their creative nature, and ease of implementation. Not being the most tech-savvy individual around, I entered each site eyes wide open. Several of these sites were quite engaging, wile others challenged me beyond my technological comfort zone. I found similarities to old familiar tools i.e. PowerPoint, which granted me some comfort.

PreZenit was one such tool. I also believe my students would be comfortable making a transition to PreZentit. The tutorial was simple to manipulate thus creating a limited learning curve. Transitioning from slide to slide was effortless. The program could be accessible from home and school. One item I specifically appreciated was the ability for students to work on the same presentation at the same time. PowerPoint limits this collaboration. This presentation tool was one of my favorites and I would recommend this site to my colleagues.

Animoto was one tool I know my students would totally engage in. As I ventured into the education area of Animoto, I spent time researching how to bring lessons to life. The music, the photos, the equipment are the best I’ve ever seen. The site offered several demos to view, each highly creative with high quality videos using digital pictures and PowerPoint storyboarding. The cost to use ranged from $30 to $249 per year. Although Animoto does not appear to be the tool I would use for this course project, I would recommend this site to my colleagues. It is an extremely engaging and motivational tool.

A third tool I investigated was Viddex based in the Netherlands. The format appears to focus more on businesses than educational fields.

My.brainshark was a cool tool. It allows you to add your own voice to the presentation or narrate a story or lesson. Uploading videos is what caught my attention as well. I use flip cameras in my classroom and this tool would enhance presentations. Numerous features such as inserting background music and producing a podcast is available. I would recommend this site.

I ventured into Prezi and really like this presentation tool. It appears much different than the others in format. It offers step-by-step tutorials and a complete reference guide manual. This site was only one that I saw addressed educators and a price package ranging from free $59 a year.

The last presentation tool I researched was 280slides. There is no software to download and it appears to be free. I found it much like PowerPoint with greater sophistication of slides. There were numerous themes built in to choose from as well.

Although I have merely surfaced my research on presentation tools, I am looking not for just one to benefit me during my coursework, but others to implement into my classroom. I was very pleased with the various formats and believe a couple of those mentioned earlier would be successful tools for our course projects, as well as, implementation into our classrooms. These new tools do indeed push the boundaries of the technology which is used at my school; extremely innovative, offering numerous means of engaging students. Each of the tools researched are accessible both in and out of the classrooms, offer a variety of sound and video elements, and appear to be quite reliable tools.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

21st Century Learning Tools: Reflection

Empowering students through technology is not difficult. Engaging students through a wealth of innovative tools and services is essential for student’s to be successful in today’s ever-changing world. When implementing technology I am providing opportunities for my students to see a broader perspective of life scaffolding their understanding of the world.

The content area I selected to focus on relates to our district’s Big Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion. The most powerful and innovative resources relating to forces and motion are too numerous to list. Several of the resources I have researched offer modules, questions, and extensions to learning utilizing an interactive format. The 21st century learning tools have students investigating curriculum-related problems, issues, and information, and then developing solutions or products which will determine mastery of content. Many of the resources noted below will have students using technology tools and multiple media sources to compare and analyze information in order to solve real-world problems.

Creating a classroom blog earlier this year was an excellent telecommunications tool where students gathered, shared, and publish information on a unit of study. Students utilized digital cameras, scanners, and stored their data using USB drives. They learned how to upload pictures onto the blog. The dialogues that took place amongst students granted me a window into the depth of their comprehension of content, their strengths and areas yet to be mastered. National Geographic’s’ Jason Science site ( provides opportunities for students to interact with scientists in the field via a blog challenging them to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

One site, Engineering Interact, (, offers five sub-topics: light, sound, forces & motion, earth & beyond and electricity modules, correlating questions, and applications. I found this site not only kid-friendly, but introduced content vocabulary in a meaningful way which is vital to comprehension, especially English Language Learners.

Several sites I found powerful were provided during our coursework. The Pendulum Lab (, school-for-champions (, myphysicslab (, and funderstanding (, provided high interaction in a meaningful yet fun way. The roller coaster simulation allows one to design and manipulate the size of the loop, the speed, and the height of the hills. While being actively engaged in this simulation, I also gained a greater understanding of the physics of roller coasters. This is what appealed most to me. Once students experience engineering and science this way, learning increases and a stronger foundation has been established.

Additional web addresses I found innovative are:,,,,,,, and Each of these sites was unique and motivating, offering a myriad of means to engage in the concepts of forces and motion. Furthermore, actively participating in these sites help prepare students for the demands of the 21st century in becoming scientifically literate citizens.

Implementing these resources in the classroom takes some time and creative thought. Inquiry-oriented lessons such as WebQuests, have students using Internet resources (preselected by the teacher) and answering higher-order thinking questions about a specific topic. I have found Web Quests to be excellent culminating activities on specific units. Another means to implement technology is during centers.

As I reflect on this week’s lesson and resources I envision several physical science activities that would work well with the Pendulum Lab and the funderstanding web sites. If I were to select one it would reference our previous guided inquiry on the pendulum and be an ideal lesson to implement with my students as we study force and motion. Following this inquiry, students will reflect on their findings and form a hypothesis on how the swing of a yo-yo is determined by the length of its pendulum. They should have learned from their pendulum inquiry that the string length is the only variable which affects the pendulum’s period. The better students understand the physics of the yo-yo, the more engaged they will become. Yo-yo science is always one which engages fifth graders and Science NetLinks offers a comprehensive unit. Having students work collaboratively to discuss the physics involved with the pendulum (yo-yo) and comparing and contrasting data would be a fun yet innovative culminating activity. A bonus project suggested by Science NetLinks would be to determine how long the string must be to require exactly one second per swing. What a challenging extension this would be and an excellent one for students to blog on.

“Effective technology integration is achieved when its use supports curricular goals. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.” (McHugh, 2005).


McHugh, J. (2005, October). Connecting to the 21st-Century student. Edutopia. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from

Yo-Yo Motion. (2006, August 16.). Science NetLinks. Retrieved May 14, 2010, from

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Reflection: Exploring Heat Transfer Inquiry

Thermal properties and heat transmission can be complex for some to master. Providing students with hands-on activities where they self-select materials to investigate heat and temperature concepts such as insulation, convection, and conduction grants them opportunities to discover and make connections of science with mathematics, engineering, and technology.

This week’s inquiry granted me an opportunity to self-select four materials that I believe to be solid insulators or may lose heat quickly. I selected aluminum foil, plastic, layered oven mitt, and a small sheet of glass. I hypothesized the tin foil, glass, and the layered oven mitt would be the best insulators and the plastic would lose heat the fastest. I used four simple thermometers (identical as the one found in Walden’s science kit) from my classroom. The reason for the additional thermometers would be to gauge each temperature simultaneously, as opposed to measuring the temperature of each cup one at a time. I considered the additional loss of heat which may occur with the passing of time using one thermometer.

Creating a chart to collect the data of the temperatures for each variable followed. Noting the initial temperature after the mugs were covered for thirty minutes, I followed with the monitoring temperatures of the water after the selected insulators were removed (15 minutes after and 30 minutes after). Although the inquiry was exploring insulators, I know my students would want to continue to investigate the temperature once the insulators were removed.

I followed the experiment exactly as written. Four mugs were placed in a row on an even surface and each received three-fourths cup hot water. The top of each mug were covered and secured with the respective materials (aluminum foil, glass, layered oven mitt, and plastic) for a period of thirty minutes. After the thirty minute time elapsed, I removed each of the cover materials from the mugs. The initial temperature for all four read 118 degrees Fahrenheit. My results were not what I expected. With each mug receiving identical temperature readings I believed there may have been an error in my procedures. I repeated the experiment a second time only to receive identical results as the first. Since all objects were exposed to the same ambient conditions (temperature of the water and temperature of the room) and each object was secured to the top of the mug, my results indicate all four materials appear to be good insulators. No detectable transfer of heat energy resulted during my experiment.

This was an excellent example of what may happen in the classroom. After students have been engaged and explore the inquiry they question results and rethink their procedures. This is an opportune time to elaborate and grant students another learning opportunity to revise and retest. “Science must be based on hands-on discovery learning involving practical experiments, personal observations, and an opportunity to collaboratively construct meaning. (Buxton & Provenzo, 2007).

Furthermore, I believe this inquiry would be useful in determining the intuitive ideas students have about temperature and everyday objects. “We need to give students the opportunity to experience science before we start explaining science.” (Gerlach, 2010). Through this inquiry students would recognize that non-heat-producing objects exposed to the same conditions will have the same temperatures, regardless of the material they are made of; anything blocking the flow of heat provides insulation. This inquiry would involve students in “explorations which promotes active learning, connections to real-world situations, and the development of scientific-process skills and habits of mind.” (Glen, 2010).

There are several activities I found to further engage my students and connect to literature. Jan Brett’s, The Mitten, (1989) came to mind. Page Keeley created a formative assessment probe, The Mitten Problem, (2005) with the purpose of eliciting students’ ideas and understanding of heat energy. As I researched further, I realized these two go hand in hand (no pun intended). Beginning this science concept with literature, as did Buczinski, is an excellent means to bring the class together and discuss a small piece of what will be a large puzzle. Keeley’s assessment would grant me great insight into my student’s background knowledge on the relationship of heat energy and temperature. Keeley offers additional resources and article to further extend this concept as well.

What I would like my students to take away from this experiment (concept) is to determine a means to make global connections exploring heat transfer. What connections exist between global warming and the transfer of heat? These answers are unknown to me. This I do know: a significant open inquiry has emerged, where the teacher and students cooperatively collaborate to generate hypotheses, procedures, and experiments via year-long research, implementing math, science, technology, engineering, and pure ingenuity.

Buxton, C. A. & Provenzo, E.F., Jr. (2007) Teaching science in elementary & middle school: A cognitive and cultural approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Gerlach, J.W. (2010, March). Elementary Design Challenges. Science and Children, 47, 43-47.

Glen, N.J. (2010, April/May). Dress for the Weather. Science and Children, 47, 32-35.

Keeley, P., Eberle, F., & Farrin, L. (2005). Uncovering Student Ideas in Science 25 Formative Assessment Probes. Arlington, VA: NSTApress.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Engaging in Guided Inquiry: As the Pendulum Swings

With the passing of every week I find myself diving deeper into the inquiry of science, the disciplines they encompasses and then quickly realize how the world is changing…with the passing of each day.

The guided inquiry question I selected was which pendulum will come to rest more quickly—a lighter pendulum or heavier pendulum. The materials I utilized from Walden’s science kit during this inquiry were a nylon string (one meter in length; 39.37 inches) and three different masses of steel washers (with diameters of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 inches). I created a data table to record findings and used a stopwatch to determine the period of time for each pendulum. Initially many thoughts came to mind as I prepared this inquiry specifically relating to the variables involved (length of string and masses of the steel washers). I enhanced this inquiry with an extension activity to create a means of differentiating instruction for student’s ability levels. Groups would not only explore the masses of the pendulum, but how the length of the pendulum affects its swing as well. This additional variable would provide students with a means to extend the exploration of this concept.

My exploration began by constructing the first pendulum with the one meter nylon string. I attached it first to the large, steel washer (1.5 inches in diameter). I tied one end to the washer and taped the second end of the string to a pencil. I then attached the pencil to a table with tape which would allow the pendulum to freely swing. Pulling back on the string I allowed the pendulum 20 seconds of falling time (with a timer), counting the amount of swings. I determined each time the pendulum returned to the position it began would be one full swing. I logged this information on my data sheet. I continued the same process with the remaining steel washers (1.0 inches and 0.5 inches in diameter), logging this information as well.

Although the point I am about to make references the extension activity, I would like to note my reasoning for beginning with the larger washer. Observation has taught me the majority of my students this year consider beginning with smaller manipulatives and continuing with larger ones. I also believed this to be one variable my students might consider as well. Scientifically, investigations must be written in a way to reproduce the original inquiry. To tie an end of the string to each washer required more string for the larger one. Beginning with the larger washer would allow me to consider the amount of string to use for all three washers. Tying the nylon string to the larger washer used two and one half inches of string. To balance out the amount of string utilized on both ends, I measured and used two and one half inches of string when tying it to the pencil; a total of five inches. The pendulum was now 34.37 inches in length.

The results from each of the three inquiries were identical. In a twenty second period of time, each steel washer completed 11 periods. The masses of each were different, the release point, time allotted, and length of the pendulum remained constant, 34.37 inches. As I observed each pendulum after the 20 second period of time, it was the lightest pendulum which came to rest first, followed by the middle weight and concluded with the heaviest pendulum. What I discovered is it takes less opposing forces to slow a lighter pendulum even though the three pendulums had the same oscillation periods.

This inquiry was quite engaging and did assist in my understanding of this concept. All aspects of the inquiry went well. Continuing with the extension activity and the ability to manipulate more than one variable, granted me greater knowledge into how friction and gravity affect objects in motion. My initial challenges focused on accurately tying the exact amount of string to each washer. Tying the washer itself would pose a challenge to many of my students whose fine motor skills are still developing. Determining the release height and how to release the pendulum came into consideration as well during this inquiry.

This guided inquiry would greatly benefit students and tap into their learning styles and interest levels. Students could describe the motions of each pendulum, compare and contrast and graph their results. I believe this would be an excellent means to review historical perspectives and educate students on Galileo’s views and findings of the pendulum; measuring falling time by using his pulse will certainly captivate them.

Continuing with this inquiry I realized how easily integrating yo-yo’s as a pendulum would engage students as an extension activity. The Science NetLinks web site offers a very detailed extension where students design and create their own yo-yo’s. “The engineering component of STEM education puts emphasis on the process and design of solutions” (Lantz, 2009) and allow for greater understanding of concepts. This lesson offers a myriad of ideas to assist students in their knowledge of force and motion, change of speed, comparing masses, and the effect of gravity through exploring a yo-yo. “When students gain experience with problem solving, they have the potential to invent new ways of doing things.” (Capobianco & Tyrie, 2009).

After completing this inquiry I was motivated in so many ways. I created a 5E instructional lesson plan (Hammerman, 2006) incorporating force and motion, the pendulum, and the yo-yo. Although this school year is coming to a close, I will implement this inquiry next year.


Capobianco, B. M., & Tyrie, N. (2009). Problem solving by design. Science & Children, 47(2), 38–41.

Hammerman, E. (2006). Modified five Es lesson plan format. In Becoming a Better Science Teacher (pp. 81–87). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Lantz, H. B. (2009). What should be the function of a K–12 STEM education? SEEN Magazine, 11(3).

Yo-Yo Motion. (2006, August 16.). Science NetLinks. Retrieved May 14, 2010, from

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Structured Inquiry Lesson Reflection

Our Environmental Studies Center was an outstanding lead into the structured inquiry lesson. Teaching and learning outdoors provided meaningful and interesting context for students to discover and make real-world connections.

Prior to visiting our local Environmental Studies Center, we read Jean Craighead George’s eco-mystery, The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo. George is one of my favorite environmental writers and her vivid use of words, knowledge of flora and fauna, and the creatures which inhabit them, bring Florida to life. I make a point every year to share her gift with my students. The vocabulary which is presented in this novel builds background for many students who may be new to our state and/or have not experienced hiking into Florida’s existing wild habitats. After reading aloud, students summarized, then illustrated each chapter with whatever mental images George created for them while listening to the story. The end products are as beautiful as George’s vivid language.

The stage has been set and prior to departing for our field studies, students have been divided into different learning teams of five. I thought about this for several days before making this decision. Their current teams work very well together; however, I believed they would greatly enhance one another’s discussions when returning to the classroom if their off-campus experiences were unique. The end result of this decision reaped greater rewards than I had envisioned.

Our first-day off campus finds us at our local Environmental Studies Center and deep into several wetland habitats. Once students’ shoes were checked to make sure we didn’t lose any in the mud (they are duct-taped), we were off towards our first wetland: the hydric hammock (aka MudWalk). Every fifth grade student looks forward to the MudWalk; often never realizing, until we return to the classroom, they are learning about promoting awareness to the needs of protecting our wetlands and their habitats, the components of soil (organic material), and the carbon cycle. In the hydric hammock student teams collect their first soil sample, which will be analyzed when we return to the classroom. Safety is a great concern as we begin our walk through the hammock. Students were taught to recognize poisonous plants and how to safely navigate through the hammock. As we continue our hike, students quickly notice the soil is becoming more saturated, deeper, and darker in color. Approximately ten minutes into the walk, hysteria begins. The mud is mid-calf and continues to get deeper. This can be the time when a shoe may be lost, or worse, someone stumbles over tree roots, and falls. This year, only four students fell into the mud…and one teacher…me, thanks to one of my four. Safety lesson to review in depth next year; keep an arm’s length away from others while in the mud.

Day two off-campus we continue our environmental learning in the pine hammock and mixed hardwood hammock. These habitats are much drier than the hydric hammock. A great discussion emerges as we learn how several local trees are or have been used for food, medicine, and clothing. Once deep into the mixed hardwood hammock, learning teams and their chaperones were given a lesson on using compasses and counting paces from one point to another. Several of my students had difficulty comprehending the compass and became somewhat frustrated. Understanding the afternoon would have student teams orienteering in selected remote areas, success of such feat required mastery of the compass. I made note to teach the compass next year prior to our field study.

Holding classroom studies outdoors, granted opportunities for each style of learner a means to make sense of his/her world. Students, who normally choose to work and reflect independently, became alive to the senses and sounds which enveloped them. Returning to our school classroom, these students were bursting at the seams and offered great insight as to the history of Florida’s topography and reasoned as to how these three habitats came to be. The Venn diagrams they completed offered me insight as to their understanding of the unique habitats, analyzing soil samples and the habitats they came from. Data from each of the habitats offered a great visual for students to compare and contrast the components of sand, soil, and water. Reflecting on our habitat hikes, students comprehended how changes to an ecosystems elevation affected the diverse nature of the soil, plant life, and variety of species of animals inhabiting each.

We ended this portion of the unit with a creative writing piece. Students were asked to create a story of a leaf. To set the tone, I asked them to stand, close their eyes, and imagine they were a leaf in Central Florida. Speaking slowly, I asked them to move and react as I began spinning a tale through a year of Florida’s weather. Standing tall during Florida’s summer heat, they soon began to bend and sway as they encountered the winds and water of hurricane season. Fall gave into winter, and some trees began to fade and lose their leaves into the deep, sandy soil. As spring emerged, beautiful leaves began to blossom from buds and continue through the cycle once again. With these mental images in place, one student at a time was called to the chart paper to create a story depicting the life of a leaf. Twenty-three voices provided comedy and creative thinking into their comprehension of the carbon cycle as one leaf began its journey around the world.

The implementation of this structured inquiry lesson happened at an ideal moment. Students were highly engaged. Beginning in the classroom with our environmental studies unit and continuing our learning at the Environmental Studies Center was an ideal means for my students to make real-world connections and extend their thinking. Learning outcomes and objectives were successfully met. National and state standards were addressed. Safety measures were put into practice. These science lesson(s) provided significant integration of mathematics, reading, writing, and Florida history.

When my students return from spring break, the background knowledge they have gleaned from these activities will greatly assist them as they collaborate, research, and prepare PowerPoint presentations on a self-selected biome of the world.

Department of Education. (2008). State of Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. Tallahassee, Florida. Retrieved March 29, 2010 from

George, Jean C. (1992). The Missing ‘Gator of Gumbo Limbo. New York, NY:HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

National Science Teachers Association. (2010). Retrieved March 30, 2010, from

Project 2061. (2010). Retrieved March 29, 2010, from

Project 2061. (2010). Retrieved March 29, 2010, from

Project 2061. (2010). Retrieved March 29, 2010, from

Project 2061. (2010). Retrieved March 29, 2010, from

Project 2061. (2010). Retrieved March 29, 2010, from

Science and Safety: It’s Elementary. (2005). Council of State Science Supervisors. Retrieved March 30, 2010, from

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Melting Icebergs Experiment

If the polar ice caps melt, sea levels will rise, as will water temperatures. Animals that migrate will search for new surroundings, make adaptations and find greater competition as the space for survival becomes smaller. Plants are not immune to global warming. Although plants take the carbon dioxide out of the air, the carbon cycle will continue to be greatly affected due to deforestation and use of fossil fuels. Some areas around the globe will have an increase in precipitation, and others, like African countries, will become even more drought-stricken. Science has confirmed, through research, observations, and precise measurements, global warming is a real issue (Bourne, 2008).

My research comparing various points of view on global warming only confirmed why this issue is so controversial. Environmentalists, climatologists, oceanographers, glaciologist, etc., have and continue to gather immense data through their research which clearly shows Earth is in fact warming. Case in point, NASA scientist, Jim Hanson, voiced his findings of global warming only to have lawmakers from Washington D.C. harass him for sharing his knowledge with the public (Kluger, 2006). Looking for a means to eliminate emissions isn’t an item many politicians want to deal with and often choose to look the other way when it comes to environmental issues. This is why, in my opinion, more scientists need to be on governing boards and have voice on issues so detrimental to society. One skeptic, William Yeatman, referenced the 2008 annual meeting of Noble Prize winners in this way: “half the laureates on the climate change panel disputed the so-called consensus on global warming” (2009). He is not alone in his thinking. During my research, many business leaders, politicians, and energy corporations refuse to acknowledge our climate is changing.

Our rising population is racing for greater modernization. Overuse of fossil fuels, deforestation, and an increase in industry are placing heat-trapping gases (greenhouse gases) into the atmosphere. Global warming is a real issue.
During my trip to Glacier National Park I spent time reading articles about the park and pouring through photographs from the past to the present. Mountain ecosystems in the western U.S. and the Northern Rockies in particular are highly sensitive to climate change (NPS, 2010). In 1910, Glacier National Park had one hundred and fifty glaciers; today only twenty-six exist. Spring thaws are coming earlier and freezes begin later. The waters displaced by these glaciers are going into the oceans. Melting glaciers are causing sea levels to gradually rise. Researchers, specifically climatologists, have shared abundant photos of our shrinking icebergs and glaciers due to an increase in temperatures caused by global warming (Bourne, 2008).

As glaciers melt, sea levels rise, and coastal areas are constantly changing. Rising sea levels are carving away and populations (humans and animals) living along the coasts are often finding the need to relocate further inland. As sea levels rise, beaches are eroded allowing seawater to encroach into our fresh water supply. Our ecosystems, and the plants and animals that inhabit them, are in great danger. A biologist from the University of Texas “found more than 800 studies documenting changes in species or ecosystems attributed in part to climate change (Science Illustrated, 2010). One such ecosystem, the Florida Everglades, is being greatly harmed today.

This means of inquiry welcomes integration of all content areas. Global warming and its effect on population growth, plant and animal life, economy, etc. could be an excellent means into a year-long project. The research alone would be compelling and grant students many avenues to pursue via interest levels.

The inquiry caused me to consider several other ideas that might be lead into structured or guided inquiry regarding the properties of matter, volume, and density. For example:

1. How could you determine the volume of the iceberg?
2. What percentage of the iceberg is submerged when floating?

Additional questions to consider?
3. What would happen if the water was placed in the bowl before the ice? Would the results remain the same?
4. How would changing the temperature of the water (room temperature versus cold water) affect the melting of the ice?
5. Do the properties (mass, temperature, density) of a large ice cube and a small ice cube affect their abilities to float?


Banchi, H. & Bell, R. (2008). The Many Levels of Inquiry. Science and Children, 46(2), 26-29.

Biodiversity. (2010, January/February). Who Will Survive? Science Illustrated, 56-63.

Bourne, J. K. (2008, June). Changing Climate. National Geographic Magazine, Special Report.

Glacier National Park. Retrieved March 26, 2010, from

Kluger, J. (2006) Global Warming Heats Up. Retrieved March 26, 2010 from

Mastrandea, M. & Schneider, S. Global Warming/NASA. World Book Online Reference, 2005. Retrieved March 25, 2010 from

Yeatman, W. (February 3, 2009). Retrieved March 25, 2010 from

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Melting Icebergs, Global Warming, and Me

The research behind global warming, as well as thoughts from skeptics, offer a means for critical thinking and opportunities to engage students, including myself, to get involved in changing the world. The pollution which has caused significant damage to air, land, and sea is a tremendous burden all of us need to act upon in one way or another.

Having had the opportunity to spend time at Glacier National Park two years ago, the history behind the park, the glacier, and its future was unbelievable. Viewing the park by land was magnificent in itself; however, it was the view from a helicopter that captivated me. Breathtaking! I was fortunate to be in the company of a pilot who was both passionate and well versed on the glacier’s environment, past, present, and future. Although not a scientist, he convinced me the glacier had succumbed to global warming. The pictures of a receding glacier, spoke volumes.

Whether you are a skeptic or a believer of global warming, signs of a changing climate abound. Earth’s temperature continues to climb, glaciers are melting and erratic patterns of weather continue to wreak havoc across the world. While human population rates grow, carbon-capturing forests are being destroyed allowing more emissions into the air we breathe. A greater concentration of carbon dioxide creates higher temperatures.

Researchers, specifically climatologists have shared abundant photos of our shrinking icebergs and glaciers due to higher temperatures caused by global warming. The Arctic area is melting opening up passages for travel. New land has emerged allowing humans to venture into areas, stake their claim, and search for oil. A once frozen wilderness has now become part of the world’s economy (National Geographic, 2008).

As the Earth becomes warmer and warmer, glaciers and polar ice bergs continue to melt. What does happen when ice bergs melt? The sea level begins to rise. Rising sea levels are carving away and populations (humans and animals) living along the coasts are often finding the need to relocate further inland. What once was oceanfront property no longer exists.

I believe it is the plant and animal populations which have felt the warming of the globe the longest. Camille Parmesan, a biologist from the University of Texas “found more than 800 studies documenting changes in species or ecosystems attributed in part to climate change. (Science Illustrated, 2010). Animals are shifting their habitats, finding it difficult to adapt to their new environments. The migration leads to greater competition for food, shelter and water where only the fittest will survive.

Melting Icebergs:

Melting Icebergs opened doors for inquiry in all content areas. Global warming and its effect on population growth, plant and animal life, economy, etc. could be an excellent lead into a year-long project. The research alone would be compelling and grant students many avenues to pursue via interest levels.


Bourne, J. K. (2008, June). Changing Climate. National Geographic Magazine, Special Report. .
Biodiversity. (2010, January/February). Who Will Survive? Science Illustrated, 56-63.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

DEEP in thought…

The buzz around my school this week (other than our FCAT testing) is focused on the Legislative Update, specifically the revision of the ESEA, aka, No Child Left Behind, STEM, and the defining of effective teachers. The resources that my graduate course is currently providing grant me great insight and I actually feel confident discussing the aforementioned topics. It’s been exhilarating!

I was highly impressed with the NSTA’s synopsis as to what is taking place in Washington, and what caught my eye was both NEA and the AFT are very critical of the plan that is being proposed as I write. Once again, the revision to the ESEA relies on standardized tests “to identify winners and losers.” Please note if you haven’t already, the “blueprint” that is being considered places the responsibility for success on teachers, 100%.

Detailed data can be found on the administration’s goal for higher standards with focus on STEM instruction “for all students, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities. 03 14_legupdate_nonmember.htm (Retrieved 3/16/10)

For some reason I am finding myself deep into dialogues that are taking place regarding reform issues, STEM, science inquiry, and science literacy. Another great article which correlates to the above can be found Scientific American Magazine (February 2010). (Retrieved 3/15/10)

The editors’ article: Start Science Sooner Excellence in science education must begin in kindergarten was well-written and timely. “A 2009 study found that Head Start children in Florida ended their pre-K year with significantly lower readiness scores in science than in any other domain.” As a Florida educator, this hit home.

Educational researchers at Purdue University have developed an approach which ties literacy into science beginning with kindergartners. What I really liked was the means in which the editors state that other curriculum need not go by the wayside to make room for science. Science would be integrated into the reading block utilizing nonfiction books. What a ‘novel’ idea! As a fifth grade teacher, teaching all content areas, the question of where to fit something else in occurs frequently in elementary schools. Having a reading block which focuses on scientific inquiry via reading and writing in journals…incredible! I am really entertaining the possibilities behind this idea. Here’s the link if you’re interested: (Retrieved 3/15/10)

Let me know your thoughts!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reflection: STEM Strategies Lesson Plan

I found the planning process for this week’s lesson frustrating. The resources this week were, for the most part, engaging, yet offered little to complete this assignment. I take great strides while creating units and lesson plans. They are extensive, with elaborate detail provided for my students’ diversity, acknowledging the big ideas/standards/benchmarks for each subject area, the instructional methods and transitioning, instructional materials, and step-by-step procedures. You get the picture.

For some reason the STEM strategies lesson planning caused much frustration, followed by an insurmountable tossing and turning last night. Spending nine hours on one lesson plan isn’t the cause of my angst, no; it was how I personally felt the resources this week provided little to no connection with the expectations of this assignment. So much so, that I changed the focus on my lesson several times. I have never felt so apprehensive submitting an assignment as I did yesterday.

The lesson I finally came to terms with submitting, focuses on content my students are currently learning, force and motion. Having researched Newton, Galileo, and others, I realized this would be a natural fit. Conceptually it was; trying to put this into the format provided wasn’t as agreeable. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable trying to put something which flowed so easily into a format where it didn’t seem to belong. Lesson plan formats from previous coursework provided resources, time and logical means of implementation; this one did not.

Acknowledging the standards from NSES, NSTA, Project2061, and those of Florida, was not difficult. Although subtle discrepancies exist between the organizations’ standards above, I found most of the correlations flowed with one another. As I look back on the format of this lesson plan I realized my decision not to incorporate the NBPTS standards may be a costly error on my part. It was purposeful; again, there was no mention of these in this week’s resources, which is why I choose not to address them.

The 5E’s Strategy (2006) is one I am very familiar with. My school has held several staff developments focusing on strengthening inquiry and active learning through critical thinking. This strategy requires connections to be made while planning for instruction with careful consideration being given to a diverse population of students. Due to the increase in both cognitive and strategic thinking, my below level students’ understanding will be scaffolded from peer discussions and questioning during this lesson. As students reflect on their understanding they will cite evidence from observations extend their thinking. The collaboration is an excellent means in generating a new hypotheses and incorporating the hierarchy of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The extension activities (Elaboration) will utilize Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and students’ learning styles. I believe the 5E’s strategy allows for flexibility in planning, which enabled me to incorporate tiered lessons via a student’s readiness level, learning style/preferences, or student interests.

I will initiate this lesson plan, as well as, the extension activities I prepared to follow specifically because it is a continuum of content recently learned. Practical issues that need addressing are to ensure I am meeting the needs of my students through heterogeneous learning teams. Am I granting my below level and ELL students opportunities to engage in science and hold discussions to enhance both academic and social English? Am I challenging my above level students opportunities to extend their thinking? These issues will be addressed as I circulate, observe, listen to students’ discussions, and review their reflective journal writing.

Although the means of planning this way required a tremendous amount of thought and time, it is not the effort placed into the assignment which concerns me. It is the feeling of great discomfort I currently hold relative to the final result of my paper. I entered this week with the expectancy of receiving resources/materials that would grant me knowledge and confidence to effectively complete the assignment. Reflecting on this once again, I am disappointed with the end result and my confidence level continues to wane.

With that being said: if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the one located on my blog sums up my current feelings: I’m looking for a place to reflect and find peace following this assignment, yet feel like I have gone off into the deep end.

Buxton, C.A. & Provenzo, E.F., Jr. (2007). Teaching Science in Elementary & Middle School: A Cognitive and Cultural Approach. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Hammerman, E.L. (2006). Becoming a Better Science Teacher: 8 Steps to High Quality Instruction and Student Achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage Publications

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday has arrived! I have experienced a fantastic week of science, both in my classroom and through the coursework of Walden.

My students are discovering force and motion through balloon rockets, yo-yo's, cart launchers and ramps. It has been fun! We head into our FCAT testing next week and will continue through March 18th. Needless to say, there is a little 'tension' in the air.

The coursework with Walden this week has had me personally experiencing a myriad of emotions. The textbook is very informative, integrating the social and historical context of science. I have also enjoyed the posts from my colleagues; they are highly engaging. I am continuing to reflect on my own beliefs and those of my peers and must say how much I respect those of you who are science 'only' teachers. Your knowledge thus far has inspired me. Being a fifth grade teacher, and teaching math, science, reading and social studies, I feel spread thin sometimes.

This blogging is so new to me...I feel uneasy and yet exhilarated at the same time! What a journey!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Nature of Science

Participating in a Nature of Science card game today, caused me to stop and reflect frequently. Although many of my thoughts about science have remained somewhat consistent, I am finding the more I know, the more I want to know, much like my fifth graders.

Questioning has become both an art and a science, not just for me, but for my students. The more we question, the more inquiry that takes place. Having the opportunity to discover science through the eyes and minds of twenty-five fifth graders is an incredible way to view the world!